STT forms for graduate students. Click on the links below to access the forms.
Annual Progress Report for MS students (Plan A): With Thesis
Annual Progress Report for MS students (Plan B): No Thesis
Every 12 months, the faculty advisor and the graduate student will complete the form "Annual Progress Report for Ph.D. Students” and then submit to the Graduate Director by March 1 of each year. The faculty advisor and graduate student will meet to discuss this evaluation and, if applicable, sources of funding. The faculty advisor and the graduate student will sign the completed annual progress report, which will be submitted to the graduate director and will be uploaded to the student’s GradPlan.
The guidance committee will review at least once every 18 months the PhD student’s progress in their research or creative activity, as well as plans for work in the coming year by completing the “Annual Guidance Committee Report.” This review will be signed by the members of the guidance committee and by the graduate student. It will be filed with the graduate director and placed in the graduate student’s file together with any response the graduate student may attach to the report of the guidance committee.