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Graduate Programs

As the Graduate Director of the Department of Statistics and Probability (STT) at Michigan State University, I extend a warm welcome to you.

Statistics is the science of learning from data. As technological advancements continue to accelerate, data generation has reached an unprecedented scale across all fields. We are unmistakably in the midst of a data explosion era, offering vast opportunities for our field but also presenting formidable challenges for statistical modeling and inference. Within STT, we cultivate a dynamic community of scholars. Our faculty members are dedicated to addressing both significant theoretical challenges and pressing real-world problems of our era. Simultaneously, we prioritize imparting our expertise to meet the educational needs of our graduate students, nurturing the future generation of statisticians.

Our graduate program is committed to delivering a robust, rigorous, and high-quality curriculum that equips students for successful careers in industry, academia, government, and public service. The department has a longstanding tradition of prioritizing theory, ensuring that our graduate students receive rigorous training. Concurrently, we are dedicated to expanding our horizons, now encompassing a wide array of contemporary statistical domains, including methodology, computation, and practical applications, all while upholding our rigorous standards. We take great pride in our unwavering focus on probability theory and stochastic processes, setting us apart as the only department in the country with "probability" in its name. Our students receive world-class training in both theory and methodology, making them highly sought after by top industrial employers and prestigious academic departments across the United States.

Whether you're contemplating a future career in the fields of statistics and probability or you're a current student seeking to fulfill course requirements, I encourage you to explore our webpages for valuable information about our M.S. and Ph.D. programs. If you choose or have already chosen our program, we trust it will equip you with invaluable skills that will benefit your career and intellectual growth for a lifetime. We believe your studies at MSU will create cherished memories and leave a lasting impact on your scholarly journey.

The MSU Graduate School provides a public demographic description of our PhD program, along with information on percent of applicants admitted, degree completion, time to degree, and placement data.

Once more, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to our program and invite you to explore our campus, engage in student activities, and delve into our research pursuits.

Yuehua Cui, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Graduate Programs

Department of Statistics
Michigan State University
C415 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824 

Email: stt.gradoffice@msu.edu