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MS in (Regular) Statistics or Applied

Master of Science Programs

MSU's Department of Statistics and Probability offers two paths for a Master of Science degree. The goals of the master's degree program in Statistics are to provide students with a sound foundation in probability, mathematical statistics, and statistical methodology. The goals of the master's degree program in Applied Statistics is to provide students with a broad understanding of the proper application of statistical methodology and with experience in using computers effectively for statistical analysis.

STT is accepting applications for our MS in (Regular) Statistics or MS in Applied Statistics programs for Fall 2025.

The application for admission, application fee, and all required supporting documents should be submitted no later than February 1, 2025. The application system opens each August. 

Submit the required documents and complete the application by February 1, 2025.

  1. Help guides for the application process: Domestic Application or International Application
  2. Please visit the MSU Graduate Application at explore.msu.edu/apply/ for the MS Program’s REQUIRED online application.
    1. Create an account. You will need it to log in to your application. explore.msu.edu/apply/
    2. Choose the major from the dropdown list: Applied StatisticsORStatistics.
    3. See our MS Handbook for program requirements  STT Graduate Handbook
  3. You must pay the application fee $65 (domestic) or $75 (international). If you are financially unable to pay the fee, visit the Application Fee Waiver site for assistance: https://grad.msu.edu/application-fee-waiver
  4. Once you submit and pay the application fee, you can upload all required documents. See list below and please use this helpful checklist: Application Checklist

Applications are accepted for Fall Semester only. We do not accept applications for Spring or Summer semesters. You can check your application status through the Application Portal.

Questions? Please contact us at stt.gradoffice@msu.edu

Thank you for your interest in our graduate program.

Please use the Application Checklist to help you. All required documents must be uploaded to the Application Portal:  explore.msu.edu/apply/

Official Transcripts: All college work (undergraduate and graduate), including diplomas and certificates translated in English, must be sent to MSU Department of Statistics and Probability directly from the school(s) which you attended or are currently attending. Domestic (located in the US) colleges can send electronic transcripts. International colleges are required to send hard (paper) copies. Note: Applicants are encouraged to upload unofficial transcripts to the student portal for the committee to review while we wait for Admissions to add your official transcripts to your profile. 

Mailing address for official transcripts

Michigan State University
426 Auditorium Road
Room 250
East Lansing, MI 48824-2604

Three (3) Letters of Reference / Recommendation: The Department of Statistics and Probability requires THREE (3) letters of recommendation. These must be submitted from professors or other professionals who can assess your promise of success in our graduate program. You cannot upload the letters of reference yourself. There is a place for you to list the name and email of your recommenders and they will be contacted and asked to upload a letter for you. Writing and submitting a letter takes time. Please give your recommenders enough time to prepare their letters.


Register your references /  recommenders through the Student Portal.

  1. Under "References”
  2. Click “Add Recommender” and enter their information.
  3. Decide if you want to waive your right to access your letters of recommendation. Sign electronically and then click "Send to Recommender” or click "Save" to enter details at a later time. When you "Send to Recommender," the system will send your reference an email of instructions on how to submit their letter of reference.

Do not have hard copy letters of recommendation mailed. They must be submitted through the Application Portal: explore.msu.edu/apply/


TOEFL Scores (International Students Only): TOEFL test scores must be submitted to the Michigan State University Graduate Admissions Office by the Educational Testing Service. The Institutional Code for MSU is 1465. No department code is necessary. Please note that the Department of Statistics and Probability requires TOEFL, and we do not accept other language tests. The TOEFL test is valid for 2 years from the date of the test to the first day of class for the admit semester. For fall semester 2025 that would be August 28, 2025.

The minimal TOEFL scores required for regular admission at MSU  MSU English Proficiency Requirements

  • Reading 19
  • Listening 19
  • Speaking 19
  • Writing 22
  • *Plus 1 point or more on any of these topics to equal a minimum of 80 points.

We will also accept IELTS and Duolingo.

Advanced Mathematics Profile Advanced Mathematics Profile  Fill in the table with every advanced mathematics and statistics course you have completed (with grade) or expect to complete before beginning graduate study at Michigan State University. This information will be used to assess your math and statistics-related preparation. Please list all that apply.  Upload your math profile document under the "Personal Statement" section of the MSU online application.

Affidavit of Support (only for International Students): Go to https://grad.msu.edu/internationalapplicants and scroll down to Financial Proof. Fill out the .pdf form. Upload your completed Affidavit of Support along with a certified bank statement to the Application Portal.

Resume / CV